An Immersive Theatrical Experience Into Dreams in New York City



Nocturnes was born from a shared need and passion for interactive storytelling. We put our respective experiences and skills in order to bring a multidisciplinary project together.


Nocturnes Cast in 2019:

Concept and Directions: Lisa Cohen, Kseniya Ovchinnikova, Matt Miazgowicz

Production: Nuage Productions, Lisa Cohen, Hanna Zakouri, Jacob Vorperian, Kimberly Flynn

Text: Matt Miazgowicz

Art Direction and Production Design: Kseniya Ovchinnikova

Costume Design: Kseniya Ovchinnikova, Sarah Esmoingt, Esmeralda Fyhr (Assistant Costume Designer), Busra Nur Bahadir (Assistant Costume Designer)

Choreography: Collaboration of co-creators and performers, Zachary Denison

Performance: Zachary Denison (Dance Captain), Tessa Allen, Sydney Tucker, Julia Bengtsson, Kelsey Rondeau, Fernando Moya Delgado.

Sound Design: Armand Bernardi

Lighting Design: Jacob Vorperian

Videography: Sarah Ohayon, Angelo Vasta, Olive Hui (Kickstarter video)

Photography: Sarah Ohayon, Olive Hui, Arnaldo Vargas, Ariel Roberson

Graphic Design and Branding: Sarah Tamani

Special Thanks:

Thank you Alanna Burns and Josh, Elsa and Jascha Levy, Alex and David Banoun, Daphné Lora, Laurence and Antoine Lévy-Lambert, Leah Serebrennik and Vladimir Ovchinnikov, Joshua Keay, Arion Kocani and Benjamin Zaoui for letting us use your homes to rehearse, film and showcase our creations in 2018. We are grateful for our Kickstarter backers who allowed us to devise our story and develop the project in the summer 2018. Special thanks to Third Rail Projects for your continuous mentorship and support.

Thank you to the creatives who were part of our process: Maya June, Brandan Walker, Noah Carniello, Emily Hart-Lopez, Mateus Barbosa Da Silva, Tessa Allen, Taylor Donofrio, Nate Carter, Stephan Worthon, Sydney Tucker, Julia Bengtsson, Courtney Dahl, Audrey Borst, Laurie Deziel, Zachary Denison, Matt Villanueva, Kelsey Rondeau, Manatsu Tanaka, Anthony Kieren, Alexandra Lockhart, Tony Bordonaro, Fernando Moya Delgado, Mamiko Nakatsugawa, Nicholas Cocks, Daniel Cohen, Elizabeth Frankenthal, Ariel Roberson, Olive Hui, Arnaldo Vargas and Den Porvatkin.


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Lisa Cohen - Co-Creator

A French and Swiss entrepreneur with a passion for dance, digital and innovative storytelling. Lisa is a co-creator of Nocturnes. She has been intrigued about the idea of “letting go” & “releasing” and bringing an audience to that threshold.

Lisa worked in marketing and tech in New York, Paris and San Francisco before starting Nocturnes. She graduated from business school HEC Paris and Ecole Polytechnique and holds a Master’s in management of innovation . She studied dance at Broadway Dance Center in 2015 and immersive theatre design at Third Rail Projects and Punchdrunk workshops.

What made you create Nocturnes? “I’m passionate about live performances because they captivate and make me feel alive. I want an experience to transform me and bring back my inner child. Immersive entertainment is a new medium creating strong emotional engagement and a sense of physical inclusion and realism”.


Kseniya Ovchinnikova - Co-Creator

A Russian visual designer passionate about designing spaces and ambiances. Kseniya is the co-creator and designer of Nocturnes. As a co-creator, she participates in the shaping of the concept and experience. As a designer, she creates the setting of the space, the lighting and sound, as well as costumes and ephemera. Creating intimacy through interactions and set design for individuals to feel alive in is a unique art.

What made you create Nocturnes? “Nocturnes is results of my different passions coming together: designing spaces, creating intimacy and connecting with others people genuinely. I want to build spaces for others to feel empowered in”.


Matt Miazgowicz - Co-Creator

An American writer and director. Matt is the co-creator, scriptwriter and director of Nocturnes. As co-creator, he participates in shaping the concept and experience. He writes the script and directs the scenes.

Matt holds a BA in theatre from Wayne State University and graduated from the Moscow Art Theatre.

What made you create Nocturnes? “Life is so much more intricate than a linear play. If you can succeed in recreating its complexity and telling a story through simultaneous actions and courses, the experience becomes complete”.